Established systems and proceduresThe Governing Body is the highest decision making body of the college. It constitutes the different committees like Finance sub Committee, Purchase sub Committee, and Building sub Committee etc. by including some experienced members of the Governing Body, senior faculty members including the non-teaching staff and students’ representatives of the college. The proposals of different departments for their respective requirements are submitted to the Principal. These are subsequently placed in the respective sub-committees for approval. For any kind of purchase like laboratory equipment, library books, computers, photocopier etc. above the amount of Rs. 1000000/- (Rupees one Lakh), and Principal invites quotations through the college website. In case of expenditure of any Government grant (more than Rs. 5.00 Lakh) Govt. rules are followed by inviting e-tenders with subsequent submission of utilization certificates. A minimum of 03 quotations are required for selection of the lowest one. All the resolutions of the Finance Committee and Purchase Committee are approved by the college GB. For annual maintenance contracts of the equipment, generator, aqua guards, photocopier and computers, Principal invites quotations in similar way with subsequent selection of the lowest ones in the Purchase Committee meeting. The playground and the gymnasium of the college are regularly monitored by the Physical Education Department. Facilities like sports, culture, health, canteen, etc. are looked after by the respective subcommittees. The software for managing library books and records is regularly maintained by the librarian. The library subcommittee meets regularly to discuss the improvement of facilities provided by the library. Cleaning and sanitation of the campus, departmental rooms, and classrooms are done by sweepers and cleaners every day before the opening of the college. |